The CONCERT FOR LEGENDS has quickly become a centerpiece of The Pro Football Hall Of Fame festivities here in good ole Canton Ohio. Not only do a handful of gridiron heroes get recognized for their contribution to the sport – but one of the largest parades in the US takes place, the football season officially kicks off with the Hall of Fame game – and of course – the CONCERT FOR LEGENDS.
Today brought the announcement that NICKLEBACK will grace the stage at Tom Benson Hall Of Fame Stadium – the show will take place on Sunday, August 3rd.
Tickets will go on sale this Friday – March 7th at 10 AM – prices will start at $55.
CLICK HERE and get that charge card ready.
Gonna be a hot show – contrary to popular belief, these dudes know how to rock – one live show experience is all it will take – you’re not going to want to miss this one.